Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Taming the Jungle

We are s l o w l y trying to get control of the backyard. I let it all go this winter and now must pay the price. What a mess!

This is Fraser on the annual Easter Egg Hunt. See the mess of weeds behind him? They aren't there anymore! And I killed about 3,000 snails in the process. The dead grass is making me very mad. It all started when a relative of a guy that works in my husband's office building asked if he could barter some electrical work for a bankruptcy. Well, the lights and the fountain on the grass side of the yard haven't worked for three years, so I thought that this might be a great way to get them fixed. Why do barters never work out for us? He did come and replace the fountain pump. But he never came back to replace the light wiring. So what with Fraser digging up the pipes and me turning off the sprinklers to that section, we now have no grass. I am not very happy about it. Which is what my husband told the guy in his office. But has the electrician come this week! Needless to say, this guy isn't getting his bankruptcy done by us. Now I've got to find someone who will do electrical work for cheap so I can plant new grass. Before the landlord sees it would be nice!

On a happier topic and speaking of Easter, I love the color of these tulips that I used for the center of the table.

I love the bunny thing that is around the flowers. I found it at Marshalls. My kids think it's creepy. What do they know! And leave it to me to only have pictures of the table after we ate, er, devoured everything in sight. I forgot to take pictures of the clean, nicely set table. So you get dirty plates. Sorry!

I'll leave you with this picture of Grace and the plethora of peeps. I think they were reproducing on that tray! I certainly couldn't have bought that many.

By the way, they sat on this tray on top of the freezer for over a week. Then they were considered fit for consumption. Stale peeps are the best!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Our new bundle of joy

This is our new 10 week old puppy. She is a Labrador/German Shepherd mix. We haven't named her yet. Ashley is rooting for CoCo. Or is it Cocoa? Bri and Chelsea don't like that. I think we will have to take a family vote tonight. Grace is so excited that she can barely contain herself. She cries when the puppy plays with the boys because she thinks that means the puppy doesn't like her.

Any name suggestions?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Victory Rolls for Grace

Yesterday, I watched a YouTube video that showed how to do a vintage hair style. Today, I tried it on my 3 year old. Doing a hairstyle on a three year old isn't exactly a smart thing to do. They don't sit still very well! But it turned out okay. I'm not too happy with the faux bang thing. But she's cute anyway! And, actually, getting her to stand still for a picture was way harder than for the hairstyle. These were the best I could get while she was dancing around.


Please ignore the peach yogurt that she spilled all over the front of her dress.



For some reason, Grace feels the need to purse her lips when someone takes her picture. I guess, it's her "model pose".

This is my favorite picture. I think she's trying to see if any of the baby praying mantis that we released here last week decided to stay around.