Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Victory Rolls for Grace

Yesterday, I watched a YouTube video that showed how to do a vintage hair style. Today, I tried it on my 3 year old. Doing a hairstyle on a three year old isn't exactly a smart thing to do. They don't sit still very well! But it turned out okay. I'm not too happy with the faux bang thing. But she's cute anyway! And, actually, getting her to stand still for a picture was way harder than for the hairstyle. These were the best I could get while she was dancing around.


Please ignore the peach yogurt that she spilled all over the front of her dress.



For some reason, Grace feels the need to purse her lips when someone takes her picture. I guess, it's her "model pose".

This is my favorite picture. I think she's trying to see if any of the baby praying mantis that we released here last week decided to stay around.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

and who sent you the video? oh that would be me, your kind and loving, and thoughtful eldest. Aren't I kind and loving and thoughtful?

So how many months 'til your next post?