Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I bought our Wicked tickets today! We try to do a holiday outing every year. We don't always, but we try. This year we were debating between a weekend in San Francisco and seeing Teatro Zinzanni or staying home and seeing Wicked. Wicked won!

Now I have to outfit everyone which is no small task for all of us. I have all of Grace's outfit purchased; although, I think I will have to buy new shoes (again). Her newish black sparkly shoes are getting a bit tight, and in another month, I think it will be hopeless. As I just discovered polyvore (what an amazing waste of time!), here is Grace's Wicked outfit:

Wicked by mom4a2g

Don't you just love the cape and scotty dog purse? Thank you Gymboree!

Chelsea has her dress, but I think I'm going to end up making her a coat as we can't find anything that we love. Delaney wants to wear this plaid vest that we bought at Forever 21, but we can't find anything to go with it. looks like I will need to make a dress or a skirt and top for her.

Children's Place took care of the boys' outfits except for shoes. They both picked ties and jackets. We did give them the option of sweaters, but they wanted to dress up. Such the young gentlemen!

Ashley and Brianna can take care of themselves. Are you both reading this? You are too old for me to dress anymore. Of course, they are probably glad for this as they both claim to have been permanently warped from me dressing them in matching outfits when they were little. But they were so cute!

The only thing I know that I am wearing for sure is my new red coat that I love. I might not have anything on underneath, but I will wear that coat!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I thought you were going to get better at updating your blog?