Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It's a sickness, I tell ya'

I realized this past year that when I go to a program or show or even watch a movie, I automatically try to figure out how the costumes are made. So when I watch something at home, the remote control quite comes in handy. Rewind is truly an amazing invention. When I first saw "Meet the Robinson's" on dvd, I practically got carpal tunnel rewinding and pausing so I could study Franny Robinson's dresses. Just look at this!


And this?


Of course, cartoon characters aren't easy to translate into real life. You can draw shapes that just don't exist on real people. Seriously, who has a waist as tiny as Franny?

I've sketched out the two dresses pictured above, but have not attempted to actually make them. Some day I will find an excuse to try one!

1 comment:

16feet said...

Hi Stephanie!!
I was hoping I could find you!
I loved seeing the pics of your kids and their halloween costumes!! You kept your alphabetical theme for their names!! I love it! I see you've kept your flair for fashion and passed it on to Ashley.
Gray & I live in Vallejo and we have 6 kids. Homeschooling 4/6 at this point. Tag will be a senior this year, Keene a junior, Blaze a freshman, Gage in 8th grade, Raimy in 6th, & Rab in 5th. They all dance on a local hip hop team and love it! Gray is a very happy podiatrist at Kaiser Vallejo. And I try to keep up with everyone and everything...much like you, I'm sure.
email me at
: ) Tracy Williams